
Dixie Presbyterian Church


3065 Cawthra Road, Mississauga, ON

Rev. Karen Pozios
A welcoming Christian Community
participating in God's word
and serving all people.


In Person & ONLINE

Sunday 10:00 am

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Find Us

We are Worshipping In Person and Online 

We are located at:

3065 Cawthra Road, Mississauga, ON, L5A 2X4

We are at the corner of Cawthra Rd. and the access loop to Dundas St.

Parking is available at the rear of the church.

Click on the Google Maps below for directions.


Welcome to Dixie Presbyterian Church.

We are Worshipping in person and online on Sundays Live on Facebook at 10 am.

Our minister is the Rev. Karen Pozios and our Music Director is Zain Solinski.

We are a little country church established in 1878 which now finds itself in the middle of the big city of Mississauga! We are a diverse congregation representing our city and engaged in the life of our neighbourhood. In our ministry together we place a high priority on caring and relationships both within our congregation and with the local community. Together we are learning the richness of being part of God's family.

Hoping to see you soon. Peace.


Please join us in supporting The Mississauga Food Bank, the Open Door Mission at Square One, the Dam Youth Drop-In Cooksville, and Evangel Hall in Toronto.

The Dixie congregation is involved in a variety of programs and activities within the church and in the broader community.

Some of the programs we regularly support include:

The Presbyterian Church in Canada's Evangel Hall Mission in downtown Toronto.

The Open Door a frontline ministry outreach at Square One in Mississauga.

The 52 Mississauga Scout Troop in our neighbourhood.

The Dam Youth Drop-In in Cooksville

Armagh House second stage housing in Mississauga.

The Mississauga Food Bank & The Salvation Army Food Bank in Mississauga.

We also worship with our friends and neighbours at local Long Term Care and Retirement Residences monthly.

The need in Mississauga and beyond continues to be great.  If you are able, please do participate with your neighbours and give to feed, house and clothe those who are in need.

Jesus said, "Feed my sheep!"  John 21:17     This is what Jesus meant ... share what we know of God's love in every way, share what we have with those who are in need.

Bible Verse
Luke 2:7

And she brought forth her first born Son, and wraped Him in swaddling cloth, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

Sunday Worship ONLINE on Facebook Live!


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Facebook page.


Worship Sunday at 10:00 am 

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to use the attached email message function.