Our Minister
Rev. Karen Pozios
Rev. Karen Pozios has been in ministry with the congregation of Dixie Presbyterian Church since 2012.
Presbyterian families in this area held their first service on June 16, 1878.
In 1905 the congregation outgrew the Chapel and on July 23, 1910 the cornerstone was laid for the present Dixie Presbyterian Church sanctuary.
Until the early 1950's Dixie served a predominantly rural community. Since then the community and the city have grown. Today Dixie is in the midst of the busy modern City of Mississauga, the 6th largest municipality in Canada.
We are proud to be a diverse congregation representing our city. Our dream for the future is to continue to be a vital Christian community bringing God's hope and compassion to our own lives, to this city and to the world in Jesus' name.

Dixie Church

Our Music Director
Until the early 1950's Dixie served a predominantly rural community. Since then the community and the city have grown. Today Dixie is in the midst of the busy modern City of Mississauga, the 6th largest municipality in Canada.
We are proud to be a diverse congregation representing our city. Our dream for the future is to continue to be a vital Christian community bringing God's hope and compassion to our own lives, to this city and to the world in Jesus' name.
Dixie History
Presbyterian families in this area held their first service on June 16, 1878. The congregation met in the old Dixie Chapel, the little stone building on the corner of Cawthra Road and Dundas Street.
In 1905 the congregation outgrew the Chapel and on July 23, 1910 the cornerstone was laid for the present Dixie Presbyterian Church sanctuary.
Until the early 1950's Dixie served a predominantly rural community. Since then the community and the city have grown. Today Dixie is in the midst of the busy modern City of Mississauga, the 6th largest municipality in Canada.
We are proud to be a diverse congregation representing our city. Our dream for the future is to continue to be a vital Christian community bringing God's hope and compassion to our own lives, to this city and to the world in Jesus' name.